
Peter Singer: The Utility of Euthanasia

Peter Singer: The Utility of Euthanasia   Below are some extracts  from Peter Singer’s book: ‘Practical Ethics’ on the topic of euthanasia, and a few points to be taken from each one.   Singer starts by stating that for euthanasia to be safely enacted, safeguards would need to exist, in order to protect people from being wrongfully killed. But he denies the effectiveness of such a safeguard in his next...

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The Death Penalty for the Disabled

The Death Penalty for the Disabled Last night in Melbourne, Bobby Schindler and Bishop Peter Elliot spoke on the topics of euthanasia and “end-of-life care” for the elderly and disabled. Both speakers challenged the Church and the pro-life movement to broaden their view beyond abortion to see the whole range of threats to human life, from conception through to old age. Below are some highlights from Bobby Schindler’s...

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Simple Twitter Marketing for Pro-lifers

Simple Twitter Marketing for Pro-lifers A website is a powerful tool: you can spread your message, give advice, share a video or sell a product to any country in the world, 24 hours a day; even while you’re sleeping. It’s also very useful for spreading the pro-life message and helping to save babies. I’m going to run  you through a simple way of getting the message out there with minimal setup and no expense, and...

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What Does It Mean to Have Intrinsic Worth?

What Does It Mean to Have Intrinsic Worth ? The Peter Singer Mini-Series: Part 2   Last week, I posted about Peter Singer’s justification of infanticide using excerpts from his book, Practical Ethics. Having spent some time reading his views lately, I’m starting to wonder whether he came up with this infanticide argument as a way of dealing with his own experience of abortion. Seeing as he is almost 70, it’s...

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Evangelium Vitae #15

Evangelium Vitae #15     Threats which are no less serious hang over the incurably ill and the dying. In a social and cultural context which makes it more difficult to face and accept suffering, the temptation becomes all the greater to resolve the problem of suffering by eliminating it at the root, by hastening death so that it occurs at the moment considered most suitable. Various considerations usually contribute to such...

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