
What Being a Young Sydney Catholic Taught Me about Mission

  What Being a Young Sydney Catholic Taught Me about Mission. Today’s guest post is by my friend, Luke Streher. Luke works at Cradio (Catholic Radio) in Sydney and is a lay-member of the Immaculata Order. I asked Luke if he would write about his experience as young Catholic in Sydney, and this was his response.   A man, sitting at a desk before the glow of an iMac, surrounded by the white soundproof walls of a North Sydney...

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The Witness of the Laity - from Lumen Gentium

 The Witness of the Laity - from Lumen Gentium                         THE WITNESS OF THE LAITY - from Lumen Gentium; the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church.   Christ, the great Prophet, who proclaimed the Kingdom of His Father both by the testimony of His life and the power of His words, continually fulfills His prophetic office until the complete...

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Solzhenitsyn and the Abortion Archipelago

Solzhenitsyn and the Abortion Archipelago Unless otherwise stated, all quotes are from The Gulag Archipelago, Part III, 1918 - 1956, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Only a short time after the world’s outcry at Hitler’s injustices in Europe, Stalin reintroduced the katorga, or labor camps into Russia. Tens of millions of ‘political prisoners’, including women and children,  were hauled from camp to camp;...

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