Join a Movement, Save a Soul

Join a Movement, Save a Soul














I first came across the Kiczek family last January on twitter, where they organized a huge tweetfest using the hashtag #PrayToEndAbortion. This coincided with the March for Life in Washington D.C., which is held each year on the anniversary of the passing of Roe Vs. Wade. My eldest son was among the thousands who attended this year, and travelled to the US especially for the event.

Brian and Esmeralda Kiczek are in fact involved in several apostolates, so I emailed Brian to find out more about them.

This is a family who is full of zeal and using all available tools for evangelisation!

Please take the time to click on the links back to their websites and read even more about each movement.

If you’re on twitter, then you can join us daily, using #PraytoEndAbortion.

Your Four Men prayer groups are a wonderful initiative. From where and when did the inspiration come?
The main inspiration came from reading the story of Ven. Anne De. Guigne who would pray and sacrifice for sinners until they were converted.
The other inspiration was from praying the Rosary with a tape of the Luminous mysteries in the car; the third mystery the Proclamation of the Kingdom  - the scriptural verse was from Mark 2:4.
Day after day that verse struck me.  Four friends were able to help their friend get the grace of his healing and conversion.  What a beautiful story.  So I put prayer and sacrifice from four believing men to bring their spiritually paralyzed friends to Jesus.   Full story here:
How many groups are registered? Are they all in the US or are there some from other countries?
There are about 12 groups throughout the world who are registered. And about 150 men who have completed Boot Camp.  Those men who are not in groups slowly work to bring together more men to join their group.  So as one becomes a God’s Marine, one of his first missions is to complete his group by bringing in other men to join them in their group.
One thing that really strikes me about your idea is that men could be involved in other spiritual activities or ministries, yet still have time for a Four Men’s Group.  Have you found that your members are part of other groups or activities?
The third question is one of my favorite part of being a Four Men prayer group member.  It really only takes five minutes a day plus the sacrifices that you feel called to such as washing the dishes when you feel like sleeping instead.  Those are all optional sacrifices and do not take any more time that what you already are doing.  Just a shift in direction.  So as a full time Chiropractic Physician and father of three girls, active in the church, and throughout all my ministries I find that being a God’s Marine does not slow me down or impede anything.  I pray the prayers on the way to work every morning.  So it is powerful, soul changing and does not take you away from anything that you have to do.  No meetings is essential to it as the world is pulling us all in fifty million directions already.
Do most men follow through with the boot camp? What is the feedback during and after this process?
As far as most men following through with the Boot Camp process I would say yes, they do.  The challenging part for them is after when they need to find three other brothers in their area.  It took me some time to put together my group and I anticipate it will for them as well.
Do you find that your groups are keeping in touch with each other, as you suggest, and giving mutual support to each other?
As far as the group already formed it is has been difficult to gauge, initially I would help the groups come together but I found that since there was no one who brought them together besides myself they were more tied to me than each other.  Thus, now I am allowing them to form their own.  I am looking into ways to bring all the God’s Marines together in a forum which will allow them to join up with each other as they see fit.  Perhaps a Facebook group.

Video: Four Men Prayer Groups

Now, on to Esmeralda’s initiatives: Tell us about the Adoption Movement and her new book:
My wife came to the inspiration for the Adoption Movement also from reading Ven. Anne De Guigne at the same time as I did for the Four Men.  The Movement is very similar to the Four Men but is much more global and you can pray for many more people at the same time.  It involves prayers and sacrifices to help your spiritually adopted brothers and sisters to obtain the grace of their healing, conversion, and salvation.  This Movement is to be so powerful as to change the whole world I believe. Full story here:

Video: The Adoption Movement Book 

What about “The House of Divino Nino”?
As far as the House of Divino Nino, my wife was inspired by watching Bob and Penny Lord’s show on Him and then he answered many prayers for our family and others.  Someday we believe it will also be a Charitable organization to help the poor and eventually a Shrine.  Full story here:
We were also involved with a healing prayer-group, with Father Ignatius Okoroji that is in hiatus.  Perhaps in the future God will call us to some ministry in this area again as well.
And finally - can you tell us about the connection between the End of Abortion Movement and Our Lady of Guadalupe?
The End of Abortion Movement was began after inspirations from Our Lady and as we were in the process of discerning the path to take, we received a miracle of red roses on Dec. 12 in New Jersey.  This was the day my wife spoke with Nellie Gray about praying the Rosary at the March for Life all together.  Much like Juan Diego going to the Bishop.
Praying the Rosary is the key to ending abortion forever.

Video: The End of Abortion Movement

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI spoke often about evangelising the ‘digital continent’, particularly to young people. Has social media been an effective tool for you and your family in your various apostolates? What kinds os digital media do you use and which has been the most successful?
Well, social media is such a powerful tool for evangelizing as it will be revolutionary in its possibilities.
As a family we have embrace these simple tools to help spread the Kingdom of God.
We have so many wonderful followers/friends/family on social media and is how I met you.  Powerful!
We proudly followback personally all those who follow us (except bad sites).  @DrBrianKiczek @CatholicFollow
Our latest initiative is the Decade a Day Disciples.  We all pray for each other’s intentions and that we all become children of Mary.  Over 450 people will pray for your intentions everyday if you join.
Thanks for this wonderful interview.
God bless you Kathy,
Your brother,

Author: genericmum

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