Defend My Life - a prayer from the womb -

Defend My Life - a prayer from the womb -

This pro-life poem was sent to me by a young Australian mother of seven.





Defend My Life - a prayer from the womb -


A baby in your womb is so precious

so small

so vulnerable

and once conceived

uniquely created for all eternity


A baby in the womb has a heartbeat

just like you and me

A baby in the womb is a human life

just like you and me

Why can’t you see?

Has Satan deceived you?

Killing an innocent, defenseless

life in the womb

is an act of murder


We are made in the image and likeness of God


Everyone deserves a chance at life

The way God intended for us

You are hurting Him so

When you choose to let go

It should not be a choice

It’s a child who would one day have had a voice


If only unborn babies could speak up now

And say,

I’m a baby

a human

a Creation of God

Please don’t kill me

I’m so scared

What about my rights?

I want to live as you have!

I wish to see the world with my own eyes

What if my last day on this earth is in my mother’s womb?


I wish to see so much and explore the earth just like you have


Why do you think it’s right to stop a life that has so much potential?

Someone who could make a difference in this world

Please stop and say to yourself

I was there once in my mother’s womb

Count your blessings and thank God

and your mother

for giving you a chance at life

the way it was designed from the beginning

when God said


Go forth and multiply


Now it’s our turn to make it right

Stand up for life

Do everything in your power

to abolish human abortion

to make abortion illegal


Pray for the conversion of sinners

Pray for peace on earth

Pray for the unborn babies

Pray for the parents of the aborted babies

Thank God every day


Forgive us for the agony we are inflicting

on Your tender


Immaculate Hearts

Now pierced with thorns


Our Lady of Good Success

pray for us

Mary my Heavenly Mother

please pray and intercede for us

Jesus, my Saviour

have Mercy on us



Click here for more pro-life poetry.


Author: genericmum

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