The Secret Heart of an Adorer
This guest post is by my friend, Jess Leach, who lives in Hobart, Tasmania. Jess is one of the lovely people who have deepened my appreciation for Eucharistic Adoration. For this, and for her loyal friendship, I am indebted to her. The Secret Heart of an Adorer Near the end of her life, Annie S. Hawks recalled how she had written the words to the 1872 hymn, “I Need Thee Every Hour.” “I remember the...
The Living Allegory
The Living Allegory. My family joined the Helpers of God’s Precious Children for their monthly meeting and we took part in the battle between the serpent and the woman on the streets of Melbourne. The Supper of the Lamb. The morning started with Mass at the Cathedral said by a Polish Jesuit priest and accompanied by a small but very lovely choir. It was my children’s first time at the Cathedral and my...
What Being a Young Sydney Catholic Taught Me about Mission
What Being a Young Sydney Catholic Taught Me about Mission. Today’s guest post is by my friend, Luke Streher. Luke works at Cradio (Catholic Radio) in Sydney and is a lay-member of the Immaculata Order. I asked Luke if he would write about his experience as young Catholic in Sydney, and this was his response. A man, sitting at a desk before the glow of an iMac, surrounded by the white soundproof walls of a North Sydney...