The Womb Diary
The Womb Diary is a recently-released children’s picture book by Australian media personality, David Maegraith.I was fascinated by this book and its potential for pro-life education, so I contacted David who kindly agreed to do an interview for my site. Thanks, David, for lighting up the darkness! Your book is a fantastic teaching tool for educating young children about life in the womb; the children...
Graphic Images - Charity, Truth and the Bloody Sacrifice.
To defend the truth, to articulate it with humility and conviction, and to bear witness to it in life are therefore exacting and indispensable forms of charity. Charity, in fact, ‘rejoices in the truth” (1 Cor 13:6) from Caritas in Veritate by Benedict XVI Graphic Images - Charity, Truth and the Bloody Sacrifice. There are many weapons in the arsenal of a pro-life Catholic. For spiritual...
Words in Passing: A Poem by Chris Langan-Fox
Words in Passing We were not ready. We were distracted. Exhausted. Battle had taken its toll But the Family survived. The children played. Malevolent Smile. She was Ready. Definite. Ordered. The Blue Pencil, poised. Poisoned. Flooding in, the swamp re-defined the land, The familiar, the family,...
Solzhenitsyn and the Abortion Archipelago
Solzhenitsyn and the Abortion Archipelago Unless otherwise stated, all quotes are from The Gulag Archipelago, Part III, 1918 - 1956, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Only a short time after the world’s outcry at Hitler’s injustices in Europe, Stalin reintroduced the katorga, or labor camps into Russia. Tens of millions of ‘political prisoners’, including women and children, were hauled from camp to camp;...