4 Things I Learned from Monsignor Reilly
4 Things I Learned from Monsignor Reilly Many years ago, Monsignor Reilly realised that the most powerful witness against abortion was prayer in front of the facilities themselves. He has travelled to over 60 countries to share the message of prayerful, peaceful witness, and his advice was even sought by the founders of 40 Days for Life when that ministry began. Many prayer vigils throughout the world are the direct...
Pro-Life Pilgrimage Part Two - Formation!
Pro-life Pilgrimage Part Two - Formation! (See part 1 here and part 3 here!) Day 5 Leaving Mexico for New York Everything sparkles in Mexico; the signs, the souvenirs of Mary and the Divino Nino, the Christmas tree lights blink at a seizure-inducing rate, the police car lights flash whenever their occupants are on duty. But it wasn’t until this last morning, on my way to the airport, that I noticed even the speed bumps are...
Answering Eureka Street
Answering Eureka Street Catholic (and other) pro-lifers were disappointed to read a recent post supporting buffer-zones and the ‘right to choice’ in general, in the Jesuit online magazine, Eureka Street. Fatima Measham wrote this article about the introduction of 150 metre buffer-zones outside Victoria’s abortion facilities, and while she believes life begins at conception, she simultaneously holds that women have...
Calling Good Evil
Calling Good Evil You could be forgiven for suffering overexposure after the recent succession of videos and campaigns targeting abortion-giant Planned Parenthood. The stories are shared all over Facebook and twitter, along with blogposts, commentaries and counter-attacks. But this ‘overexposure’ needs to be put into perspective. What may seem like overkill to those who identify as ‘I wouldn’t have an abortion,...
The Real Presence
The Real Presence Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world. John 6:51 This story came via a circuitous route of faithful Catholic newsletters, and was originally written by Fr. Albert J Byrne, under the title Natures’ Evidence of the Real Presence. On the evening of the last day of his October 1995 visit to the US, Pope John Paul II was scheduled...