
Troy Newman’s Publicity Triumph

Troy Newman’s Publicity Triumph   Melbourne member of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, Richard Grant, submitted the following letter to MP Terri Butler and allowed me to reproduce it here on LUTD.  Ms Butler is the infamous Emily’s List Labor member who was responsible for having Troy Newman‘s visa revoked.   Dear Ms Butler, My gratitude to you for the millions of dollars worth of free prime...

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Telemed: Australia’s DIY Backyard Abortion

Telemed: Australia’s DIY Backyard Abortion.   We woke yesterday to the news that RU486 can now be dispensed by phone in Australia. Known as phone-abortions, or telemed abortions, this new ‘service’ is reckless and irresponsible. It will compromise the physical and psychological health of women, increase the number of abortions and is not provided with information about the potential for reversal. This is the...

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Same-Sex Mirage

Same-Sex Mirage American marriage apologist, Ryan Anderson, spoke in Melbourne this week about the disastrous consequences of redefining marriage. He is in a good position to advise us here in Australia, having seen the effects of legal same-sex ‘marriage’ both in Canada, and more recently in the US. Ryan gave us four main points to familiarise ourselves with, in order to defend traditional marriage. 1. Optional parents....

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Ireland #VotesYes For Discrimination.

Ireland #VotesYes for Discrimination … Against Christianity.   In other news, the former Emerald Isle has adopted six more colours to become a full-blown rainbow, and has voted to extend its informal policy of discrimination against Christians to a legally-binding imperative. In a startling display of solidarity, the anti-Christian liberals who make up just 36% of Ireland’s population voted to protect the rights of...

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Peter Singer: The Utility of Euthanasia

Peter Singer: The Utility of Euthanasia   Below are some extracts  from Peter Singer’s book: ‘Practical Ethics’ on the topic of euthanasia, and a few points to be taken from each one.   Singer starts by stating that for euthanasia to be safely enacted, safeguards would need to exist, in order to protect people from being wrongfully killed. But he denies the effectiveness of such a safeguard in his next...

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