On Papal Visits

On Papal Visits Australians haven’t had an opportunity to attend a Papal Mass for some years now, when Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was here seven years ago for World Youth Day. My eldest son was able to go, and I had planned to fly from Tasmania to Melbourne with my then teenage daughter, but God had other plans. I fell pregnant with my twins, my eleventh and twelfth children, and thus, although disappointed, the domestic church...

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5 Reasons Parents Need to Be Pro-Life

5 Reasons Parents Need to be Prolife   “The family is a kind of school of deeper humanity.” Gaudium et Spes (CH II #52) Many times we’d prefer  to continue our relatively comfortable life which, in truth, has enough worries of its own, but as we gradually feel more and more uneasy about the plight of our youngest brothers and sisters or our elderly, we feel an obligation to do more. Some of us become active in...

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Would You Like Some Charity With That Outrage?

Would You Like Some Charity With That Outrage? We’re all aware of the phenomenon of online aggression and many of us have taken part in some online debates or conversations in which we expressed frustration or anger, when it would have been better for us to unplug and calm down. St. Paul is pretty clear on the correct disposition Christians need to adopt as a lifestyle - it is that of true love; none other than the love...

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An Insight Into The Sex Industry

  An Insight into the Sex-Industry The words of the daily Prayer of Consecration of MEV (Missionaries of Evangelium Vitae) members, “To love my neighbour as myself”,  are the thought behind today’s post. Below is my interview with a psychologist who spent many years working in Melbourne’s brothels, counselling the prostitutes who worked there. In these places of hopelessness and despair, he found a way to...

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Buffer-Zone Arrests

Buffer-Zone Arrests   Three people were arrested in Hobart, Tasmania, for protesting the state’s abortion-provider exclusion-zone laws. Two were later released, but my friend, Graham was strip-searched and held in custody for four hours! You can read Graham’s report below. And please sign the Change.Org petition which has been organised by a group of prolife people in the ACT, where similar laws are being suggested....

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