
Peter Singer: The Utility of Euthanasia

Peter Singer: The Utility of Euthanasia   Below are some extracts  from Peter Singer’s book: ‘Practical Ethics’ on the topic of euthanasia, and a few points to be taken from each one.   Singer starts by stating that for euthanasia to be safely enacted, safeguards would need to exist, in order to protect people from being wrongfully killed. But he denies the effectiveness of such a safeguard in his next...

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Evangelium Vitae #10

Evangelium Vitae #10 “What have you done?” (Gen 4:10): the eclipse of the value of life   The Lord said to Cain, ‘What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground.’ (Gen 4:10). The voice of the blood shed by men continues to cry out, from generation to generation, in new and different ways. The Lord’s question: ‘What have you done?’, which Cain...

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Evangelium Vitae #9

  Evangelium Vitae #9 But God cannot leave the crime unpunished: from the ground on which it has been spilt, the blood of the one  murdered demands that God should render justice. (cf Gen 37:26, Is 26:21, Ez 24: 7-8). From this text the Church has taken the name of the ‘sins which cry to God for justice’, and, first among them, she has included wilful murder. For the Jewish people, as for many peoples of antiquity,...

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Evangelium Vitae #8

Evangelium Vitae #8 Cain was ‘very angry’ and his countenance ‘fell’ because ‘the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering’ (Gen 4:4-5). The biblical text does not reveal the reason why God prefers Abel’s sacrifice to Cain’s. It clearly shows however that God, although preferring Abel’s gift, does not interrupt his dialogue with Cain. He admonishes him, reminding him of his...

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Evangelium Vitae #7

Evangelium Vitae #7 “Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and killed him” (Gen 4:8): the roots of violence against life. “God did not make death, and he does not delight in the death of the living. For he has created all things that they might exist … God created man for incorruption, and made  him in the image of his own eternity, but through the devil’s envy death entered the world, and those who...

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