Post-Abortion Grief: Part 1
Post-Abortion Grief: Part 1 This is the first part in a series by clinical counsellor, Anne Lastman. POST ABORTION GRIEF…… some facts. © Anne Lastman July. 2012. Post Abortion Syndrome, first proposed by Rue in 1981 as a variant of posttraumatic stress disorder, is today recognised as a result of the traumatic experience of having had an abortion and it having a deleterious effect for some women. (Ney, Fung, Wickett &...
We’re Not Judging You: We’re Judging Abortion.
We’re Not Judging You: We’re Judging Abortion Do you know the hardest thing about dealing with the topic of abortion? The one thing that has me checking and rechecking my blogposts, my comments on Facebook, my retweets on twitter? That thing that more than anything else has caused me to reword, or rephrase, or even to delete entirely? *This thing* is my concern for the feelings of post-abortive mothers. This thing has...
Are Post-Abortive Pro-Lifers Hypocrites?
This article first appeared on the blog, “400 Words for Women” and is reprinted by permission of the author, Beatrice Fedor. I am one of many people who have gone from pro-choice to pro-life. When a local newspaper published my letter against the federal funding of abortion, commenters called me a hypocrite for “using my right to choose and then trying to deny it to other women”. I understand that changing...