Amy’s Story: A Post-Abortion Testimony
Amy and I have been online friends for a couple of years; we met through Etsy store-owners circles. When Amy recently offered her testimony, I leapt at the chance - it’s great to share conversion stories. But what I hadn’t realised was that Amy is post-abortive. Her story literally blew me away and reduced me to tears. This is a gut-wrenching and honest account of how abortion begets abortion. What can...
Abortion: What If We Started To Listen?
This article first appeared on the blog, “400 Words for Women” and is reprinted by permission of the author, Beatrice Fedor. I came out of the abortion closet in 2008 and I sometimes deal with religious Pro-Lifers who consider that I have committed the unforgivable sin and who lecture me about the past (you were selfish, you should have kept your legs closed etc…). I also deal with secular Pro-Choicers...
Are Post-Abortive Pro-Lifers Hypocrites?
This article first appeared on the blog, “400 Words for Women” and is reprinted by permission of the author, Beatrice Fedor. I am one of many people who have gone from pro-choice to pro-life. When a local newspaper published my letter against the federal funding of abortion, commenters called me a hypocrite for “using my right to choose and then trying to deny it to other women”. I understand that changing...