What Does It Mean to Have Intrinsic Worth?
What Does It Mean to Have Intrinsic Worth ? The Peter Singer Mini-Series: Part 2 Last week, I posted about Peter Singer’s justification of infanticide using excerpts from his book, Practical Ethics. Having spent some time reading his views lately, I’m starting to wonder whether he came up with this infanticide argument as a way of dealing with his own experience of abortion. Seeing as he is almost 70, it’s...
Evangelium Vitae #15
Evangelium Vitae #15 Threats which are no less serious hang over the incurably ill and the dying. In a social and cultural context which makes it more difficult to face and accept suffering, the temptation becomes all the greater to resolve the problem of suffering by eliminating it at the root, by hastening death so that it occurs at the moment considered most suitable. Various considerations usually contribute to such...
Evangelium Vitae #14
Evangelium Vitae #14 The various techniques of artificial reproduction, which would seem to be at the service of life and which are frequently used with this intention, actually open the door to new threats against life. Apart from the fact that they are morally unacceptable, since they separate procreation from the fully human context of the conjugal act, these techniques have a high rate of failure; not just failure in...
Evangelium Vitae #11
Evangelium Vitae #11 Here though we shall concentrate particular attention on another category of attacks, affecting life in its earliest and in its final stages, attacks which present new characteristics with respect to the past and which raise questions of extraordinary seriousness. It is not only that in generalised opinion these attacks tend no longer to be considered as ‘crimes’, paradoxically they assume the nature...
Evangelium Vitae #10
Evangelium Vitae #10 “What have you done?” (Gen 4:10): the eclipse of the value of life The Lord said to Cain, ‘What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground.’ (Gen 4:10). The voice of the blood shed by men continues to cry out, from generation to generation, in new and different ways. The Lord’s question: ‘What have you done?’, which Cain...