Troy Newman’s Publicity Triumph
Troy Newman’s Publicity Triumph Melbourne member of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, Richard Grant, submitted the following letter to MP Terri Butler and allowed me to reproduce it here on LUTD. Ms Butler is the infamous Emily’s List Labor member who was responsible for having Troy Newman‘s visa revoked. Dear Ms Butler, My gratitude to you for the millions of dollars worth of free prime...
Same-Sex Mirage
Same-Sex Mirage American marriage apologist, Ryan Anderson, spoke in Melbourne this week about the disastrous consequences of redefining marriage. He is in a good position to advise us here in Australia, having seen the effects of legal same-sex ‘marriage’ both in Canada, and more recently in the US. Ryan gave us four main points to familiarise ourselves with, in order to defend traditional marriage. 1. Optional parents....
5 Reasons Parents Need to Be Pro-Life
5 Reasons Parents Need to be Prolife “The family is a kind of school of deeper humanity.” Gaudium et Spes (CH II #52) Many times we’d prefer to continue our relatively comfortable life which, in truth, has enough worries of its own, but as we gradually feel more and more uneasy about the plight of our youngest brothers and sisters or our elderly, we feel an obligation to do more. Some of us become active in...
Mary Loves a Chaste Heart - a Poem
Mary Loves A Chaste Heart -a Poem by Christopher Ziegler This lovely poem first appeared at Christ’s Faithful Witness (Please have a look at this great, faithful Catholic site) and is reproduced here with permission. Mary loves a chaste heart— But so often have I struggled. A wandering mind begets temptation. When I remove my eye from Mary, I begin to believe I can trust myself. Soon the cravings of sin...
Evangelium Vitae #15
Evangelium Vitae #15 Threats which are no less serious hang over the incurably ill and the dying. In a social and cultural context which makes it more difficult to face and accept suffering, the temptation becomes all the greater to resolve the problem of suffering by eliminating it at the root, by hastening death so that it occurs at the moment considered most suitable. Various considerations usually contribute to such...