4 Things I Learned from Monsignor Reilly
4 Things I Learned from Monsignor Reilly Many years ago, Monsignor Reilly realised that the most powerful witness against abortion was prayer in front of the facilities themselves. He has travelled to over 60 countries to share the message of prayerful, peaceful witness, and his advice was even sought by the founders of 40 Days for Life when that ministry began. Many prayer vigils throughout the world are the direct...
America’s Next Roe Vs Wade
America’s Next Roe Vs Wade SCOTUS meets this week to hear the case of Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt. The case began in Texas as an attempt at tightening up standards for abortion providers in that state. Abortion proponents argue that the law is unconstitutional as it places an undue burden on women seeking an abortion, but pro-lifers simply want abortion providers to be held to a higher standard than vets and...
Prolife Pilgrimage Part 3 - Friendship!
Prolife Pilgrimage Part 3 - FRIENDSHIP! (See part 1 here and part 2 here!) Day 9 - On to Ohio I went to Mass at the exquisite chapel of the Precious Blood for the last time this morning. It’s been lovely to be able to get there each day, with Mass said by Monsignor. I had my last breakfast with Sr. Precious and helped her figure out a couple of things on her new phone before packing and awaiting my ride to the airport....
Pro-Life Pilgrimage Part Two - Formation!
Pro-life Pilgrimage Part Two - Formation! (See part 1 here and part 3 here!) Day 5 Leaving Mexico for New York Everything sparkles in Mexico; the signs, the souvenirs of Mary and the Divino Nino, the Christmas tree lights blink at a seizure-inducing rate, the police car lights flash whenever their occupants are on duty. But it wasn’t until this last morning, on my way to the airport, that I noticed even the speed bumps are...
Postscript from China
Postscript from China The latest reports of another relaxation of China’s One-Child policy prompted ‘Rose” to write one last post about her view of China through a pro-life lens. (For more information about this alleged change to the One-Child Policy, please read this article from Women’s Rights Without Frontiers) Walking down the streets of China can be a very disturbing experience for a Pro-life...
China & Abortion Part 3: Moving Forward!
China & Abortion Part 3: Moving Forward! The final part in our series is a message of hope from ‘Rose”: some questions from me and a photo-essay of Chinese abortion culture. Rose, how much contact with abortion do you have in an average day? In the course of the day I my come across three or four different abortion clinics that I recognize. They are not always that obvious, and sometimes I find out that...