China and Abortion: It’s More Than Sex-Selective and Forced Abortion.
Most of us are familiar with China’s inhumane One-Child policy, and its consequences of forced abortion and gendercide. (You can read a recent article here about Women’s Rights Without Frontiers and the work they’re doing in exposing this abominable practice.)
My guest writer today is an American pro-lifer who has had the opportunity to see the Chinese abortion culture first hand. This story is the first in a series written by ‘Rose’ for Light Up the Darkness.
‘Rose’s’ testimony is important, because it shows us what it’s like to live in a society where abortion is literally treated like a normal medical procedure. An entire population echoes the cry of the western world’s abortion-exteremists, “Abortion on demand without apology.”
A consequence of such freely-available abortion is the high rate of suicide among women. From the website, All Girls Allowed:
- In China, suicide rates are higher for women than men, while in almost all other countries the suicide rate is higher for men than for women.
- Suicide is the leading cause of death for adult women living in rural areas in China.
- 56% of the world’s female suicides occur in China, but only 19% of the world’s population lives in China.
- 500 women commit suicide in China each day.
- According to researcher Steven Mosher, it is no accident that, “China’s women have the highest suicide rate in the world, not to mention the highest rates of breast cancer, all in consequence of having had their babies killed in utero by a state ruthlessly bent on population control.”
Part 1: An American in China
Hi, my name is “Rose”. I am an American living in China. I have been living here for about a year and I still have a lot to learn about China.
This is what I have observed so far. Abortion is everywhere in China. It follows you around like a dark plague. In the Western world pro-lifers say we ignore abortion because it’s hidden and you don’t see it. In China it is the exact opposite. Abortion is so completely destigmatized that you see it everywhere.
There is abortion provider advertising on buses, in buses, pictures of abortionists advertising how long they have been “providing services” on street corners. Abortion clinics pass out magazines. In front of college campuses they pass out hand cream and tissue packets with abortion discount cards inside.
People in China talk about abortion like they are going to get a tooth extracted. Now, just because they say that, doesn’t mean that is how they really feel. I have gone in to gynecological wards in hospitals and seen women sitting alone on hospital beds weeping after getting abortions.
It is illegal in China to have a child out of wedlock, but in recent years traditional Chinese morality has been lost. People do not wait to have sex until marriage. The Chinese people watch and emulate what they see of Western and especially American culture in movies and music, and the loss of life in China as a result has been catastrophic. Because abortion is so destigmatized, it is China’s most common form of birth control. Most women will tell you they have had at least 7 or 8 abortions. STIs and STDs are increasing exponentially in China.
Abortion in China is cheap and general awareness of the risks of engaging in sex with multiple partners is very low. Most women in China choose abortion not because they are technically forced, but because they have bought the lie that this is normal and they lack family and cultural support to carry their child to term.
September 4, 2015
Thank you Rose (and Kathy). This is a horror but needs to be known.
September 6, 2015
This is the culture of death in all its awful glory.