Evangelium Vitae: To Proclaim Jesus Is To Proclaim Life









Evangelium Vitae Articles 80-82: To Proclaim Jesus is To Proclaim Life

This post is taken from “John Paul II  - The Encyclicals in Everyday Language” by Joseph G. Donders


That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you (1 Jn 1:3) Proclaiming the Gospel of Life


80. Jesus is the only Gospel;

we have nothing further to say

or any other witness to bear.

To proclaim Jesus is to proclaim life,

the eternal life given to us.

We feel a need to proclaim this good news

that exceeds every human expectation.

Our gratitude and joy

impel us to share this message with everyone.


81. This involves above all the core of this Gospel,

the proclamation of a God who is close to us,

who calls us to profound communion with God,

awakening in us the hope of eternal life.

It is the affirmation of the inseparable connection

between person, life, and bodiliness.

It is the presentation of human life.

as God’s gift, the fruit and sign of God’s love.

It is the proclamation that Jesus

has a unique relationship with every person,

which enables us to see in every face

the face of Christ.

It is the call for a “sincere gift of self”

as the fullest way to realize personal freedom.

It also involves making clear

all the consequences of this Gospel:

human life is sacred and inviolable,

procured abortion and euthanasia

are absolutely unacceptable.

The meaning of human life is found in giving and receiving love,

and in this light human sexuality and procreation

reach their true and full significance.


82. Teachers, catechists and theologians

have the task of emphasizing the reasons

for our respect for human life.

It is in all this that we shall find

important points of contact and dialogue with non-believers.

With so many opposing and negative points of view,

all of us - and above all  those who are bishops -

have to announce all this “in season and out of season” (2 Tim 4:2)

We need to make sure that this sound doctrine is taught

in theological faculties, seminaries, and Catholic institutions.

We should not fear hostility or unpopularity,

and we should avoid all ambiguity.

We must be in the world but not of the world. (cf Jn 16:33)


From “Evangelium Vitae”  #80-82

“John Paul II  - The Encyclicals in Everyday Language” by Joseph G. Donders

For a study guide to Evangelium Vitae, see the Priests for Life website

For the original encyclical in its entirety, see the Vatican website



Author: genericmum

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