This is the second part of the series by Katherine Marple, of KeepLifeLegal, based in Ohio.
Failure in Right Decisions
Just like throwing out ignored leftovers from the fridge, we are allowing unborn human life to be thrown out like wasted food from last night’s dinner without a thought. BAD DECISION. What motivates people to make abortion decisions…or who? How bad does life have to be to make the decision to abort?
Decisions…decisions. We ended up on the abortionist’s table because of a myriad of decisions, not just one. Our ability to reason is just one thing that separates us from the animals – that being said, our own reasoning has brought us to the point of ending unborn life and I haven’t seen any animals aborting their young.
But getting back to our own inability to make right decisions…let’s look at some of the great decision making that got us here:
- Premarital Sex. It is a fact that 100% of the people that practice abstinence will not get pregnant. No, really.
- Recreational alcohol and drug use. Not one good decision has ever been made under the influence.
- Pressure or discipline. Actually, that would be LACK of discipline with a great big dose of pressure from friends, family, boyfriends/girlfriends.
- Media. The ‘mainstream media’ is in many forms that run in the background of our lives every day. We hear commercials, watch shows & movies, listen to music, read magazines & books, the internet…all of which indoctrinates us with what they think we need to know all the time and without your permission.
- Trust. We trust everyone and everything else but God. Again, I can 100% assure you that God will never give you an abortion answer to any question. EVER.
Stats say that at least 85% of women/girls that abort never wanted to abort at all AND over 65% of women/girls were FORCED to abort. Coercion is the leading reason why we abort and we not only allowed it but accepted it until it was too late.
The indoctrination we receive, usually under the radar, is how our society has become desensitized to abortion. We are numb to the point of killing unborn children over 4000 times per day…that we know of. Our Failure of Abortion is a failure in our culture as human beings. I would love to say this is within the borders of the United States, but the daily abortion rate WORLDWIDE is way over 150,000…again, that we know of. Since the advent of ‘chemical abortion’ (mifepristone) and it’s availability over the internet, it is nearly impossible to know how many other unborn children are lost to abortion.
To look at the decisions made in this country to allow legal baby killing, you have to go back to when other decisions made way for it. At the turn of the 20th century, abortion was essentially abolished in the U.S., to the chagrin of many present day abolitionists. It is apparent that abolition was not ironclad enough to keep abortion not just illegal but also enforceable. But the question kept coming up about our ability to ‘evolve’ into a better species; it was questioned whether or not people with any disability (racial, mental, medical or hereditary) should be allowed to be born, marry or give birth themselves. Thus, people like Margaret Sanger came about to point out how the human race will fall if we allow these ‘human weeds’ to live and procreate. Apparently the inarticulate petrified the self-imposed intellectuals of the day.
Personally, I look back to the Roosevelt presidency and see that as soon as entitlement came about, abortion was right behind it, illegal still but still rampant. It was simple, really, to see how someone that was disabled to be the Father of Entitlement and inclusion. Just like Americans thought Roosevelt was the savior of the Great Depression, it is as it is today with Obama and the Socialistic Regime he has imposed on us with a hardly regulated abortion INDUSTRY. After all, if they kill them in the womb, there would be less ‘waste’?
And let’s not forget the failed Equal Rights Amendment – quite simply, women didn’t want to be EQUAL with men, they wanted (and still do) to conquer men and found a way by eliminating pregnancy through abortion without their consent. Roe v. Wade was a parting gift for the failed Equal Rights Amendment; NEVER equal, but MILLIONS of dead unborn children to prove a woman’s right to be a killer:
“The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed in 1923 by Alice Paul and the National Woman’s Party. It was passed by Congress in 1972 and sent to the states for ratification, which is achieved when a proposed amendment is accepted by three-quarters (38) of the states. By the Congressionally imposed deadline of June 30, 1982, only 35 states had voted yes……The Equal Rights Amendment is not yet in the U.S. Constitution.” (
So far, women have undermined themselves, their health and their unborn children to make men and government quiver in fear for them. Ironically, NOTHING can be further from the truth. Right decisions, not reactionary decisions.
It’s not too late - right decisions are getting closer to making better law and hopefully to repeal bad law. Can we as a civil society finally repeal Roe v. Wade? Yes. Will we?
That remains to be seen in this lifetime, but God is GOD and with Him all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26).
Part 1: Failure in Right Relationships
Part 3: Failure in the System/Government
Part 4: Failure in the Church
Part 5: Failure in Forgiveness