Troy Newman’s Publicity Triumph
Melbourne member of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, Richard Grant, submitted the following letter to MP Terri Butler and allowed me to reproduce it here on LUTD. Ms Butler is the infamous Emily’s List Labor member who was responsible for having Troy Newman‘s visa revoked.
Dear Ms Butler,
My gratitude to you for the millions of dollars worth of free prime time national media publicity you generated for Troy Newman as a result of your failed attempt to stop Troy reaching our shores. The public profile within Australia that he has gained due to your actions will give him enormous leverage for the further spreading of his pro-life message when he returns to our country.
Indeed, now that your letter to Mr Dutton has, in the words of Miranda Devine, been exposed as a “farrago of half truths and exaggerations”, the chances of Troy being denied entry the next time he applies for a visa are next to zero. Nevertheless, the caving in by the Federal Government to the extremist and “anti-free speech” demands of abortion obsessed “Emily Listers” like yourself is a matter of national shame.
Thankfully, the national media publicity generated over last weekend showed Troy to be a man of excellent character who also happens to be passionate about stopping the mass murder of innocent children by abortion. Moreover, the beautiful ultrasound images shown on several TV programs of babies moving around in their mothers’ wombs reminded viewers that the person most affected by abortion is the unborn child who is brutally torn apart in the abortion process.
Sadly, you are in a state of denial about the cold hard truth in this regard. You said on TV that Troy’s visit could jeopardize “the safety of doctors, the safety of nurses, workers in the health profession and the safety of the families involved”. Haven’t you missed something - the safety of the tiny boy or girl who is in imminent danger of being torn apart, limb by limb, within his or her own mother’s womb by an abortuary or public hospital involved in the extermination of children.
You called Troy Newman an “anti-choice extremist”. Like other pro-abortionists, you use the meaningless euphemism ” pro-choice” to sanitize what is indubitably the most widespread and systematic act of violence ever committed in human history. About 50 million babies are now tortured to death in abortions every year around the world; at least 100,000 of these in Australia. Hitler used the euphemism ” the final solution” to describe his holocaust. If Troy, who defends human life, is an extremist how should we describe a person who actively supports the above wholesale slaughter of innocent children in the womb?
Pro-abortionists argue that a pregnant woman should have the legal ” choice” to have an abortion if the child she is carrying is “unwanted” by her. These people must thank their lucky stars that their own mothers decided not to exercise this alleged “choice” and impose the death penalty on them while they were in utero. And what a shocking example of man’s inhumanity to man it is for pro-abortionists to make the concept of “wantedness” the sole criteria for decisions on whether or not a human being has a legal right to life. Once again this is reminiscent of Hitler’s philosophy.
It is understandable that you and your fellow pro-abortionists are furious that Troy Newman’s organisation has had stunning successes in saving babies lives, not only by closing down several abortuaries in the USA but also in exposing the horrendous practices engaged in by Planned Parenthood which include the harvesting of baby body parts and organs for sale and profit. It was mainly for revenge that you were determined to sabotage Troy’s speaking tour in Australia.
In your letter to Mr Dutton you cited the case of the tragic murder of a security guard inside an East Melbourne abortuary which was perpetrated by a loner who had probably been deeply adversely affected by the harmful flow-on effects of abortion in one way or another. Tragically, inside the walls of this very same abortuary, a further 350,000 human beings have been mercilessly and cruelly exterminated by abortionists since 1972. Ominously, the death toll at this abortuary is mounting rapidly by the day - all in the name of “choice”.
The first duty of government is to protect the most defenceless and vulnerable in its society. It is not Troy Newman’s character that should be under question but the character of those in public office who not only turn a blind eye to the ongoing slaughter of our tiniest brothers and sisters but who also actively support and encourage it. Troy Newman is a champion advocate for the voiceless unborn child who is currently being legally denied the most basic of all human rights - the Right to Life.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Grant.
October 18, 2015
Yes, thank you Terri Butler for shining an even brighter light on the pro-life cause, even if she did not intend to.
October 18, 2015
God writes straight with crooked lines, indeed, Jenna! Thanks for your comment. x
October 22, 2015
Excellent letter. Every point hits home.
October 23, 2015
Richard is a living legend!